How a Leader Can Better Market Leadership
Review of “Talk Ain’t Cheap…It’s Priceless?” by Eileen McDarghEileen McDargh observes that companies are more successful when its employees feel interconnected. When leaders and subordinates better interact so goals are properly understood and feedback is considered and adopted when appropriate, company functions improve. Plus, employees feel more involved in their work, and this can be intensified when they receive direct positive feedback from superiors.
Companies often work better when their meetings allow for candid discussions and focus on how desired results should be achieved. She warns that too many company meetings are boring presentations of data to each that makes many feel they are wasting their time participating. Employees should feel engaged in their work. Disconnected employees tend to perform less efficiently, when can seriously effect customer relations who directly deal with these inefficient employees.
Good leaders need to learn how to use naïve listening, which is the ability to hear something without showing an opinion on what is being said, even if the listener already has an opinion. There is often a need to let others get their viewpoints across and allow for necessary feedback. Good leaders often use story telling effectively, as listeners generally listen better and comprehend story analogies better than they do a speaker presenting endless facts and data. She also recommends that good leaders seek to encourage people by telling them what they are supposed to do instead of concentrating on telling what they shouldn’t do.
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